Becoming a Member

Thank you for your interest in Welcome Homeschoolers! WHS welcomes homeschooling families and as well as families considering homeschooling in the San Mateo County area.

If you would like to join Welcome Homeschoolers, all the information you need is on this page. Before joining the group, prospective members must agree to our Community Values Statement (below). Note: Welcome Homeschoolers does not allow vendor memberships. Prospective members, even if they are homeschooling parents, who plan to use their membership to promote goods or services should not join this group: advertising will result in dismissal.

Community Values Statement

If you are thinking about joining WHS, please read this: Becoming familiar with WHS’s shared social values will allow you to make a more informed decision about whether or not WHS is the right group for you.

WHS Park Day and other activities are intended to provide a safe and friendly atmosphere for WHS families, as well as to reinforce positive social behavior among our children. To this end, we agree that certain fundamental standards of behavior should be followed at all WHS-organized activities.

  1. As participants in WHS events, activities and forums, parents and children will behave in such a way that supports a respectful and peaceful atmosphere for all, including

    • treating others respectfully

    • handling conflicts in a respectful and peaceful manner

      • refraining from violence, bullying, rudeness or hostile behavior

    • refraining from using offensive language and gestures

    • treating others’ (as well as public) property respectfully

  2. At Park Day and other events organized for younger children, we recognize that we are each responsible for our own children at all times. We must know where our children are, and we must be attentive enough so that we can be available to them if and when a problem arises. We agree to leave the park or play area only if (1) another adult has agreed to supervise our children and (2) our children have agreed to cooperate with that adult.

  3. We also recognize that none of us is perfect, and that “bad days” happen. If a member of our family is unable to share these values on a particular day, we agree to go home, knowing that we are welcome to come back and try again next week. However, if a member of our family repeatedly or severely disrupts the safe and peaceful atmosphere of the event, the event coordinator has the authority to request that we stop participating in it. We agree to cooperate.

  4. In the case of events organized for older children, which we, as parents, may not be attending, we agree to make sure that our children have read and understand WHS’s Community Values and that they have agreed to uphold WHS’s behavioral standards, with or without parental supervision.

Membership Form

To become a member, please ask to join our Google Group and include "I agree to the WHS Community Values Statement" when you are asked for your reason for joining.

Once your request is approved, your email address will be added to our email group.
